Another big hit! Here’s what three black lab “look alikes” (dogs) (55lb, 75lb, 80lb) had for breakfast …
Cook 1 and 1/2 cups of red Quinua in 3 cups of water (takes about 20 minutes). When cooked turn off heat and add 3/4 cups frozen parsley (you can use fresh… I just had it in the freezer) and 1 cup of frozen blueberries. Stir and add 1/2 cup of Red Star vegetable support formula yeast flakes and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Add 2 tablespoons (for each dog) of soft goat cheese, Cranimals and supplements. Mix it all up and put it in their dishes.
It was a BIG Hit – healthy, nutritious, fast….And you can eat it too!
For more ideas how to feed you dog healthy meals go to